Spanish Irregular Verbs > estar conjugation - Present.

What Spanish verb gives you the best bang for the buck in terms of learning time vs. usefulness? There can be several contenders, but the verb estar is definitely one of them. It's close to our to be and is used to indicate temporary states. As a bonus, it's also an auxiliary verb used to build progressive tenses (as in I am reading a book).

Unfortunately, estar is an irregular verb, so it will take longer to master. We hope that our quizzes and examples will make this process more efficient and enjoyable.

Estoy trabajando hoy. (I am working today.)

¿Qué estás haciendo afuera? (What are you doing outside?)

¿Dónde está usted? (Where are you?)

Estamos de vacaciones en Inglaterra. (We are on vacation in England.)

Porque estáis aqui? (Why are you here?)

Están leyendo libros. (They are reading books.)

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